Know-How Sanatana Dharma Help You in Fighting COVID 19

Will Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) Help You in Fighting With COVID 19?

Sanatana Dharma is the oldest faith of all the world's religions. The traditional Vedic religion in which God is worshiped in both real and shapeless structures. It is faith-based on the Vedas, containing many special practices, beliefs, sects, and beautiful philosophies. It is the third-largest religion in the world by the number of followers; most of its faithful are in India and Nepal. Although it is worshiped by many gods and goddesses, it is a monotheistic religion. This faith is so vast in itself that from time to time different religions keep emerging, some old traditions continue to break down and some new ones are coming together, some old beliefs remain as they are and some beliefs are included in it. Let's see, does Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism) help you fight the COVID 19 Virus?

Know-How the Ritual of Sanatana Dharma Will Help You in Fighting the COVID 19 Virus

Today, the COVID 19 virus is the biggest problem in the world and now India is fighting it. But everyone forgets that India is a country that is the basis of Sanatan Dharma. As we all participate together in the applause at 5 pm during the Janta curfew, which is requested by our Honorable Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji. Do not take this appeal by Prime Minister Narendra Modi al Bharat Vashi lightly. Everyone understood what he said and explained. But one thing, which he did not explain, we understood from the experts of Indian culture and science. Do you know the truth behind this important step to save Bharat from the COVID 19 virus? Let's look at some rituals that help us fight the COVID 19 virus.

  • Clapping
  • The ringing of the bell
  • Manjeera Beats
  • Drummer

Tali-thali-bell should be played with faith and confidence, know its scientific importance. Sanatana Dharma has a ritual of clapping, ringing bells, manjeera rhythms, and drumming in the temple house to spread positivity. This is because these rituals have a scientific reason in Sanatana Dharma. The sound emanating from these instruments is very useful for our environment. I know that when they participated in the applause together at 5 p.m. during Janta's curfew, they must have felt the vibration of the clapping, the ringing of bells, and the beating of manjeera.

The practice of placing bells on temple doors and in special places has been practiced since ancient times. But what is the spiritual and scientific significance of this bell? Not only is there a spiritual reason behind the situation of the bell in the temple, but there are also many scientific reasons behind the sound coming from the bell. Scientists say that when the bell rings, a vibration occurs in the atmosphere, which goes far because of the atmosphere. The benefit of this vibration is that all bacteria, viruses, and microorganisms that enter your area are destroyed, purifying the surrounding environment. Therefore, the environment of the places where the sound of the bells rings is always pure and holy. This removes negative energies. Eliminating negativity opens the door to prosperity.

The bells are believed to scare away evil spirits or are used to cast or remove spells. They are also essential for channeling positive energy to create a harmonious environment. These bells can also be hung on the altar in the house and the sound of the bells removes negative energy and brings positive energy into the abode.

Kumari Ankita

This is Kumari Ankita, blogger, and writer at Tulipshree Infotech. I have done English honors from the University of Rajasthan. My expertise is in writing on various categories like technology, fashion, entertainment, travel, health, and education. I started my blogging journey 4 years back in 2016. And I Always try to discover new trends in the world and love to write blogs about them.

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